VirNat s.r.o. presented at the Night of Museums and Galleries at the Slovak National Museum

The Night of Museums and Galleries is a pan-European event organised under the auspices of the Council of Europe with the aim of presenting and making accessible as much as possible the cultural and natural heritage of each country. For one day a year, visitors to this exciting event can enjoy the unique atmosphere of museums and galleries until the stroke of midnight, meet the staff of these institutions, listen to expert lectures and learn first-hand about their work. The Covid pandemic interrupted the tradition of the Night of Museums and Galleries not only in Slovakia for two long years, and so the 18th edition, which took place on 14 May, had a special meaning.

Great opportunity to present ourselves

The Night of Museums and Galleries also serves to present new exhibition plans, techniques and upcoming exhibitions.
At the beginning of the year, the management of the Museum of Natural History in Bratislava approached VirNat s.r.o. with an offer to demonstrate several techniques of holographic projection of real 3D models of biological objects, in the production of which VirNat s.r.o. specializes.

We gladly accepted this precious offer.

The organizer allocated space for VirNat s.r.o. in the exhibition hall of the National Museum of Natural History on the 2nd floor, where we demonstrated both presentation and interactive forms of three-dimensial display of real natural objects. In the presentation part we presented examples of video animation files of 3D models on large screens, which are an excellent complement to permanent exhibitions or thematic exhibitions. Visitors were also intrigued by new, yet little used forms of holographic projectors – holographic pyramids and rotating LED FAN projectors.

The holographic pyramid or also the holographic showcase allows viewing the projected 3D model at a 270o angle.

The holographic LED FAN projector creates a perfect holographic effect on a background of rapidly rotating two or four blades with numerous LED dots.

Screen controllable by hand gestures

The interaction between the projected 3D model of the object and the observer greatly increases interest and leaves a lasting experience. A touch screen with pre-installed models allowed zooming and active viewing of the pre-installed models. At the Night of Museums, VirNat s.r.o. presented for the first time an application developed by KVANT, s.r.o. that allows defined hand gestures to control the image.

The interactive control of models by hand gestures captivated visitors of all ages. However, it was not surprising that the children were able to master the model control faster and were much more interested than the tour of classical slides.

At the stroke of midnight, a marathon of demonstrations, lectures, displays of collection material, and personal conversations between the public and museum experts came to a close. Despite the fatigue, the organizers had a very good feeling about the event. Attendance and public interest exceeded expectations.

The VirNat team is pleased to have contributed to the success of a successful event with interesting demonstrations of holo- graphic imaging of small biological objects that captivated many visitors.

3D model na dotykovej obrazovke je možné ovládať podobne ako obraz na mobilných zariadeniach.
Vyvinutá aplikácia pre ovládanie 3D modelu gestami ruky zaujala všetky vekové kategórie.

Agency for 3D Visuali­za­tion and
Vir­tual Real­ity

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VirNat s. r. o.
Na medzi 10153/1C
831 06 , Bratislava