Manuscript Submission

Authors are encouraged to submit the manuscript file electronically via e-mail to an executive editor – Dávid Selnekovič,

The manuscript file should be submitted as an MS Word document with all tables and figures embedded at the end, following the list of figure and table captions. Figures in the MS Word document should be inserted as JPEG files. Original high-resolution figures should be provided as separate TIFF files along with the manuscript file. Supplementary files should be submitted separately along with the manuscript file.

Please include the names of two or more potential reviewers with their affiliations and email addresses.

After receiving the manuscript, it will be forwarded to the reviewers for evaluation and then sent back to the corresponding author for revision. Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be forwarded to the copy editor, who will prepare a set of proofs and send it to the corresponding author for corrections.

The submitted papers must not be published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

Authors are not permitted to post the submitted work online before it is published by the journal.

Should you have any problems or questions about the submission process, please contact the executive editor at

Agency for 3D Visuali­za­tion and
Vir­tual Real­ity

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